How is environment variable, how do you create it? Suppose you are running some commands in cmd prompt which needs environment variable. So you create the variable. Then after will you be able to run the same command in the prompt to fetch the environment variable? What do we need to do to get it?
What are repeated issues you have faced and tried to implement a solution to avoid it, basically something significant you implemented that benefited team/app/org?Best practices for web server, app server, database? Any 5 for each?
Explain TLS vs SSL.
What are cipher suites?
Difference between a domain and zone?
What is LDAP and AD?
How do you use version control?
Can you do ripple restart in Prod?
What is Pod in Kubernetes?
Most commonly used commands in day-to-day work, *Nix and Windows?
What is virtual host?
OOPs concepts?
Web services you have used and difference among them, like Rest, Soap, others?
Different SDLC processes, agile, waterfall, difference, other types?
How a SSL handshake happens?
Commands used in terms of certificate management, import, etc.?
What is hot deployment? Is it okay to do hot deployments in Prod?
What is clustered index and non-clustered index in SQL?
What are the different day to day tasks that you do in SQL?
What are the monitoring tools you have used so far?
Is AD used for authentication or authorization? What is the difference between the two?
What is AD and what is DC. What is the difference between the two?
What is registry? What can we do with it?
What is group policy?
What is cross site scripting (XSS) and how is it different from SQL injection?
Write the code to get the count of each process in PowerShell.
If you are connected to Wi-Fi and change to LAN cable on the same network, will your IP change?
What is DNS? What is DHCP? How are IPs assigned in a network?
What is execution policy in PowerShell? What are the different types of them?
How to run a script when execution policy is set to restricted?
What is blue green deployment?
Do you have any migration experience from on-prem to Azure? What would be the steps to do it?
How do you create virtual host server?
What is kernel?
What is difference between Apache http server and Apache tomcat?
How to install software/app from repository and from package file?
How to create multiple subdomains in a single web server?
What is ITIL? What is its significance and requirement?
What is the significance of different types of brackets in PowerShell?
How does PowerShell commands or scripts work?
How to create user in AD using PowerShell with data from a CSV file?
How would you fetch the OS details of remote server using PowerShell?
How would you map a drive on a remote system using PowerShell?
What is DNS? What is internal and public DNS?
What are different types of records in DNS? What is an SRV record? Is Alias and CName record same?
How would you list all the users or resources in Azure or GCP in the whole organization?
If 16 (x.x.x.x/28) addresses are available on a network, how many more subnets can be created out of it?
What is a managed instance?
How do you force the system to look for IP first on the DNS server then on the system host file?
What are the different troubleshooting approaches or causes of a remote linux not connecting even when it is online and pinging? What could be cause of error "Connection refused"?
What are the challenges you faced while setting up alerts?
What are the different components of an RCA document?
Can you vertically scale a kubernetes cluster or node?
If we do not use Kubernetes and only have docker for running containers, and if a container stops/crashes for some reason, will it start running up again or would you have to start it up manually? What would happen in case of a pod running? What would happen in case of a Kubernetes deployment when the replica is just 1?
How to grant access to Linux server to a friend using private key and how does SSH work?
What is difference between shared vpc and vpc peering?
What are the different types of network load balancers? What does each do?
Major difference between GCP and Azure?
What are the different method we can ensure out app is always running in a VM on GCP?
What is firewall? How to block port 22 on 3 VMs that might not be in same subnet?
How to increase security of your cloud infrastructure?
How to harden images/VMs?
Tell us about a situation where you got a feedback and how you reflected on it. Any negative feedback you got and what you did with it.
AWS Operations Engineer
How to run a network trace in wireshark and how to analyze the output?
What is a zombie process? How is it created? What happens to it? What should we do with it?
For troubleshooting a slow server, how to find out if the problem is in storage or IOPS?
What is umask in UNIX?
How to use netstat for network troubleshooting? What information we get from it?
What is mtr in linux?
What are run levels in linux and how to use them?
Differentiate soft link vs hard link.
Differentiate threads vs processes.
Differentiate htop vs top.
Walk us through step by step process oh how a device can get connected to internet, detailed steps of dhcp and next steps. What protocols it uses, how lease is renewed, when is it renewed, before or after end of time, is same ip assigned or different, how is that decided?
How does NAT work, given your device ip is, router ip is, router public ip is and destination website ip is, explain what will be public ip of device, what will be internal gloabal ip of website and how nat would do translation.
What are the different types of natting done? How are they different from each other.
How would you troubleshoot slow loading website for a client? What commands would you use? How would you troubleshoot if ICMP is disabled in the server hosting the website?
What protocol does tracert use?
What is DNS zone? What are the different kinds of dns records? What is the mandatory dns record? What is the unique/extra/special record route 53 in aws provides?
What is MTU and what is MSS?
How would you troubleshoot NIC, how to find out if slowness in loading websites is due to NIC?
What does the df command do in linux?
How do you change owner of a file in linux?
What is split horizon dns?
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