Tuesday, 23 November 2021
The Story
Monday, 6 September 2021
Everything reminds me of her
Tuesday, 17 August 2021
City of Temples
Thursday, 27 May 2021
A Girl
Thursday, 29 April 2021
Bhaang or any other recreational substance for that matter is very dangerous. It's not a laughable thing or something that should be taken lightly. If you really want to experience how it feels to be drunk and out of control, have someone near you all the time who is sobre and will remain sobre throughout. Someone that you can trust with your life. There is a huge risk of overdose that might go wrong any moment. People who have never taken it and don't have any experience of it, should always take in very small quantity. Gradually increase but still the safest thing to do is not to take it and not to try being drunk and out of senses.
It's absolutely not recommended to have everyone in the house or room get high at the same time. Because if everyone takes it no matter how much control they have on their minds, these things don't allow your power to work on your brain. You might go to the terrace and jump from there thinking you are in some cloud or dream and nothing of it is real. At times your heart starts racing so hard, you can even feel it beating under you. Everything you feel that time happens in cycles. Your brains works amazingly. At times you feel like you are drowning into a trench or low lying area and at other times you may feel you are flying in vaccum. There is no visual limitation in terms of interpretations that the brain creates in that state. You might see all your thoughts so clearly in your mind. You can browse through them as if it's a catalogue. And the ideas that come to you, they feel unbelievably best. Any idea you get, you feel like that's the best idea in the whole wide world. All those ideas hit you in cycles, one goes another comes. More or less they remain in order. Sometimes you might go into a state of sleep and wake up again. But if you sleep early before the onset of your brain going haphazard, you might be absolutely okay without experiencing any of these dangerous things and might be able to sleep off the whole thing away.
The substance makes your body very slow in terms of time. At times you might feel how much time has gone by, which might feel like a lot. When people speak it takes time for you to understand and interpret their sentences. Also the motor neurons work in a delayed manner or the brain takes time to process signals. You slur, you get slow in hand movement, body movement and finally might fall if you try to walk. That depends on the quantity of the dose you have taken. All in all, it's only good or doable for people who enjoy leaving their brain and body out of control. Not for people who don't want to lose control of themselves.
Bhaang and the state it puts you in
Bhaang or any other recreational substance for that matter is very dangerous. It's not a laughable thing or something that should be taken lightly. If you really want to experience how it feels to be drunk and out of control, have someone near you all the time who is sobre and will remain sobre throughout. Someone that you can trust with your life. There is a huge risk of overdose that might go wrong any moment. People who have never taken it and don't have any experience of it, should always take in very small quantity. Gradually increase but still the safest thing to do is not to take it and not to try being drunk and out of senses.
It's absolutely not recommended to have everyone in the house or room get high at the same time. Because if everyone takes it no matter how much control they have on their minds, these things don't allow your power to work on your brain. You might go to the terrace and jump from there thinking you are in some cloud or dream and nothing of it is real. At times your heart starts racing so hard, you can even feel it beating under you. Everything you feel that time happens in cycles. Your brains works amazingly. At times you feel like you are drowning into a trench or low lying area and at other times you may feel you are flying in vaccum. There is no visual limitation in terms of interpretations that the brain creates in that state. You might see all your thoughts so clearly in your mind. You can browse through them as if it's a catalogue. And the ideas that come to you, they feel unbelievably best. Any idea you get, you feel like that's the best idea in the whole wide world. All those ideas hit you in cycles, one goes another comes. More or less they remain in order. Sometimes you might go into a state of sleep and wake up again. But if you sleep early before the onset of your brain going haphazard, you might be absolutely okay without experiencing any of these dangerous things and might be able to sleep off the whole thing away.
The substance makes your body very slow in terms of time. At times you might feel how much time has gone by, which might feel like a lot. When people speak it takes time for you to understand and interpret their sentences. Also the motor neurons work in a delayed manner or the brain takes time to process signals. You slur, you get slow in hand movement, body movement and finally might fall if you try to walk. That depends on the quantity of the dose you have taken. All in all, it's only good or doable for people who enjoy leaving their brain and body out of control. Not for people who don't want to lose control of themselves.
Wednesday, 28 April 2021
Life was never what I wanted it to be
Sunday, 25 April 2021
Worst Nightmare
Wednesday, 24 March 2021
Movies and Songs 2
Saturday, 13 March 2021
Time Machine
Wednesday, 27 January 2021
Thursday, 14 January 2021
Shayari Collection 3
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