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Monday, 31 July 2023


Posted by Subham  |  No comments

Why everything reminds me of you? Still? How? It has been 5 years now and I am still in that past dream? Which never happened, which will never happen. Whatever happened was just a fraction of time, that was so great that the longing remains. That spark. Why are some emotions so strong? When will this feeling go? She's still the present. Will I ever be able to make her my past? 

Today while flipping through my college time's passbook, her name appeared. All those memories came rushing to my mind. How normal everything was. How wholesome and magical. Happy and live. Now it's all empty. Hollow. Light years of just vaccum. I wish if none of that had happened. I wish if I had been somewhere else. I wouldn't have to go through this affliction.
I hope it gets better.

7/31/2023 11:59:00 pm Share:
About Subham Ram

Subham is an undergraduate student pursuing his studies in IT. He is a curious fellow who wants to know everything about everything except somethings. He loves learning web-designing, singing, reading novels and a little bit of writing. Follow him on Twitter.


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