Today while travelling on this train, at this moment, a thought crossed my mind. When I know, my brain knows that that person is gone, actually she never was there, even after this realisation that what I had believed was false and untrue, and isn't possible anyway, why is the longing still here? Doesn't the so called evolved human brain calculate this simple thing that still feeling the same for her is not required anymore. There is no need of any goosebumps or pain as it is well understood that there's nothing for it. Neither can it bring that person close or together, or make her feel how I do. Neither can it throttle me into any action that can make her feel so. They say there's reason for our every body action, reaction, voluntary and involuntary. Then why this secretion of chemicals that cause this feeling, the emotion and the pain?
Day before yesterday, she was all over my dreams. For such long dreams, again and again. Everytime with a new storyline. I felt so so happy waking up that morning because right after you wake up from a dream for some moments you're still in it and it feels real. It was absolutely great to see her, just be like we were. Divulging the details of the dream is unnecessary here. Although it was good.