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Tuesday, 24 April 2018


Posted by Subham  |  No comments

When my friends are facing decisions to whether go for Infinity War in Cinepolis or PVR, I am facing decisions that are huge on responsibilities, on which the lives of people depend. I am expected to take decisions that if not taken the correct one, I am going to regret for the rest of my life. Why was I chosen to be in all this. I didn't want any of this. Why so early. Why did he have to leave me. Why did he have to marry the wrong person. Why did all this happen.
At the time when my friends are travelling the country, having fun, taking tension of their love life, I am supposed to make decisions that will impact my whole life. Responsibilities that are unknown as I have never taken them.

Going off to a very different topic, why doesn't a day go without you coming into my thoughts. Why the constant rebellion to all my wishes. Why the ever presence of you in my conscious and unconscious self. Why did it happen. For a very small amount of time of happiness, I don't deserve this long interval of the opposite. I want it to end soon.

4/24/2018 08:01:00 pm Share:
About Subham Ram

Subham is an undergraduate student pursuing his studies in IT. He is a curious fellow who wants to know everything about everything except somethings. He loves learning web-designing, singing, reading novels and a little bit of writing. Follow him on Twitter.


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