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Friday, 1 March 2024

I just realized it has been 6 years now. The dread is so real now. I was supposed to come out of it in 4 years itself, max 5 years. But now I fear it might be forever. Is this longing going to be permanent? Will it never go? At least if those good memories are gone, then it will be so helpful. Hope the scientists/doctors invent something soon to delete selective memories. 
The worst thing is that I still have hope. I can't seem to kill that hope. People will say I have not accepted reality. I know all that, still the heart thinks it is possible. And the possibility of the magical future with her makes it all the more wanting. Hope is a strange thing. Makes you suffer so much pain. Makes you feel so good about the possible future that you bear the hollowness so much more.
And my mind still dwindles between the thought of talking to her about it and not contacting her just like the last few years. She must be so happy, why to rub off my sorrow and negativity on to her, even though it might be just a little bit. I know she won't be affected, still the heart says why take a chance. Let her be happy. I always wish all the good for her. I hope she remains purposeful and prosper. I hope I move on. I hope I forget her. I wish I hadn't fallen for her. 

6 years

Posted by Subham  |  No comments

I just realized it has been 6 years now. The dread is so real now. I was supposed to come out of it in 4 years itself, max 5 years. But now I fear it might be forever. Is this longing going to be permanent? Will it never go? At least if those good memories are gone, then it will be so helpful. Hope the scientists/doctors invent something soon to delete selective memories. 
The worst thing is that I still have hope. I can't seem to kill that hope. People will say I have not accepted reality. I know all that, still the heart thinks it is possible. And the possibility of the magical future with her makes it all the more wanting. Hope is a strange thing. Makes you suffer so much pain. Makes you feel so good about the possible future that you bear the hollowness so much more.
And my mind still dwindles between the thought of talking to her about it and not contacting her just like the last few years. She must be so happy, why to rub off my sorrow and negativity on to her, even though it might be just a little bit. I know she won't be affected, still the heart says why take a chance. Let her be happy. I always wish all the good for her. I hope she remains purposeful and prosper. I hope I move on. I hope I forget her. I wish I hadn't fallen for her. 

3/01/2024 12:33:00 am Share:


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