Had the worst nightmare last night I could possibly have. It was my brother's wedding day. Strangely, it was happening in the day. Around afternoon the wedding rituals finished. And then the drama began.
From somewhere, somehow I was being forced to get married too. They had found a girl apparently and started my wedding ceremony. I was shocked to the extent that I couldn't even realise that it was happening till it had already happened. And there I was after the wedding, furious, running here to there to process what had really happened.
I kept thinking what to do. Before people could leave, I gathered the family and relatives and started explaining them in the top of my voice that I did not want to get married, never to a stranger, unknown girl. I won't accept it. I wanted to make it clear to the girl's family that it was not in my wishes to get married and hence this is a mistake. But before hearing everything that I had to say, everyone started leaving. I kept shouting and finally lost my voice.
Later on I kept thinking. I was fiddling with the idea of divorce, and only then I felt a little relief. Gradually I realised all this was a bad nightmare and wasn't real. But in between when it was happening, I had made sure to check it was real or dream, but that time it was so real. I can still feel that fear. It might seem funny to some people, but it's very scary for me. Haha :-D
12/05/2020 07:05:00 am